Ash Handling Systems
Kraft Werks has been providing ash handling equipment since 1979. We supply retrofits under-furnace bottom ash handling conveyor systems to utility coal-fired power plants as well as retrofits ash extractors for municipal solid waste incinerators / waste-to-energy facilities.
Submerged Chain Conveyor Systems
- Under-furnace SCC collects, cools and dewaters bottom ash in a single piece of equipment
- Low water consumption: retrofit costly wet hopper and sluicing system
- Available with furnace chutes, cooling water systems, transfer conveyors and control systems
- Discharged ash ready for sale / disposal
- Lower installed, operating, maintenance and inventory costs than redundant dewatering bins, settling and surge tanks, remote dewatering conveyor systems and dry mechanical or pneumatic systems
- SCC can receive pulverizer rejects and economizer ash eliminating associated dewatering, storage and unloading equipment
Ash Extractor
- Ideally suited for mass-burn MSW incinerators accommodating oversized / bulky and metal constituents in the ash
- Cools and dewaters ash for downstream conveying and metal-separating equipment
- Robustly constructed and heavily armored, replace light weight European extractors not suitable for US industrial waste streams
- Modular design to support retrofits without requiring building modifications or major equipment removal
- Collects under grate siftings and furnace back-pass hopper ash
Our ash handling systems are largely shop assembled – right here in Medina, Ohio.
Built in America
Original Equipment Manufacturer of all Kraft Werks TLT-ASH Handling Systems and TLT-Babcock Ash Handling Systems
- Design optimized around end user’s equipment arrangement
- Constructed from highly abrasion-resistant materials
- Fabricated and assembled right here in Medina, Ohio